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Create Amazing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity | Download Now

How to Download Unity AR and Why You Should Use It

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital content on the real world, creating immersive and interactive experiences. AR has many applications in various fields, such as gaming, education, entertainment, marketing, and more. If you want to create your own AR apps, you need a powerful and easy-to-use tool that can help you bring your ideas to life.

One of the best tools for AR development is Unity AR, a framework that allows you to build cross-platform AR apps with Unity, the leading game engine and software development platform. Unity AR enables you to use the core features of different AR platforms, such as ARKit, ARCore, Vuforia, and more, without having to write separate code for each one. You can also take advantage of Unity's rich features, such as photorealistic rendering, physics, animation, scripting, and more.

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In this article, we will show you how to download Unity AR and how to create a simple AR app with it. You will learn how to install the necessary packages and plugins, how to set up an AR scene with a 3D object and plane detection, and how to test your app on your device. By the end of this article, you will have a basic understanding of how to use Unity AR and why it is a great choice for creating amazing AR experiences.

How to Download Unity AR

To download Unity AR, you need to have Unity installed on your computer. You can download Unity for free from . Make sure you have the latest version of Unity (2021.3 or later) for the best compatibility with Unity AR.

Once you have Unity installed, you need to install the AR Foundation package and the XR provider plugins for the platforms you want to target. The AR Foundation package is the core framework that enables cross-platform AR development in Unity. The XR provider plugins are the specific implementations of each AR platform that provide access to their native features.

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To install the packages and plugins, follow these steps:

  • Open Unity Hub and create a new project or open an existing one.

  • In the menu bar, go to Window > Package Manager.

  • In the Package Manager window, make sure you are in the Packages: In Project view.

  • Click on the + button in the top left corner and select Add package from git URL.

  • In the text field that appears, enter and click Add.

  • This will add the AR Foundation Samples package to your project, which contains the AR Foundation package and some example scenes.

  • To install the XR provider plugins, go back to the Package Manager window and click on Advanced > Show preview packages in the top left corner.

  • Find and install the plugins for the platforms you want to target. For example, if you want to build an app for iOS devices using ARKit, install the ARKit XR Plugin package. If you want to build an app for Android devices using ARCore, install the ARCore XR Plugin package.

  • You may also need to install some additional packages depending on your platform and features. For example, if you want to use face tracking or image tracking in your app, you need to install the corresponding packages from the Package Manager window.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Unity AR and are ready to create your first AR app.

How to Create a Simple AR App with Unity AR

In this section, we will show you how to create a simple AR app with Unity AR that displays a 3D object on a detected plane in the real world. You will learn how to set up an AR scene with basic components, how to add a 3D object as a prefab, how to enable plane detection and placement, and how to test your app on your device.

To create a simple AR app with Unity AR, follow these steps:

  • In the Project window, go to Assets > Scenes and open the SimpleAR scene from the AR Foundation Samples package. This scene contains some basic components for AR development, such as an AR Session, an AR Session Origin, and an AR Camera.

  • In the Hierarchy window, select the AR Session Origin object and expand it. You will see two child objects: AR Camera and AR Raycast Manager. The AR Camera is the main camera that renders the AR content. The AR Raycast Manager is a component that allows you to perform raycasts against detected planes and features in the real world.

  • Right-click on the AR Session Origin object and select XR > AR Default Plane. This will add a plane object with a default material that shows a grid pattern on detected planes. You can customize the material and the size of the plane as you wish.

  • Right-click on the AR Session Origin object again and select XR > AR Plane Manager. This will add a component that enables plane detection and management in your app. You can adjust the settings of the component, such as the plane detection mode, the plane classification, and the plane prefab.

  • In the Project window, go to Assets > Models and find a 3D object that you want to display in your app. For example, you can use the Andy model from the ARCore XR Plugin package. Drag and drop the model into the scene and make it a child of the AR Session Origin object.

  • Select the model object and adjust its position, rotation, and scale as you wish. You can also add some components to it, such as a collider, a rigidbody, or an animator.

  • Right-click on the model object and select Create > Prefab. This will create a prefab of your model that you can instantiate in your app. Drag and drop the prefab into the Assets folder.

  • In the Hierarchy window, select the AR Raycast Manager object and add a new script component to it. Name it PlaceObjectOnPlane. This script will handle the logic of placing your model on a detected plane when you tap on the screen.

  • Double-click on the script to open it in your code editor. You can use any editor you prefer, such as Visual Studio or VS Code. In the script, add the following code:

```csharp using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation; using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems; public class PlaceObjectOnPlane : MonoBehaviour // A reference to the AR Raycast Manager component private ARRaycastManager arRaycastManager; // A reference to the prefab of your model public GameObject objectPrefab; // A list of raycast hits private static List hits = new List(); // A variable to store the instance of your model private GameObject spawnedObject; // A method that run


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